DHOFARmap & Inqitat Archaeological Project
"If there be any region in Arabia entitled to the epithet ‘Happy,’ whose glories were well known to the ancients,
it is this province of Dhufar, an Arcadia of luxuriant forests that clothe steep mountains overlooking the sea,
of perennial streams and sunny meadows, of wide vistas and verdant glades."
Bertram Thomas, 1932
it is this province of Dhufar, an Arcadia of luxuriant forests that clothe steep mountains overlooking the sea,
of perennial streams and sunny meadows, of wide vistas and verdant glades."
Bertram Thomas, 1932
latest publication
The DHOMIAP Project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism of Oman and the Museum of Frankincense Land of Salalah, carries out three research programs: DHOFARmap, Inqitat Archaeological Excavation and HELFA.
DHOFARmap aims to collect data from the field and sources to create a webGIS of Dhofar containing archaeological pre-Islamic sites.
Inqitat Archaeological Excavation has as its main focus the archaeological investigation of the Inqitat promontory and the surrounding area (included in the Khor Rori archaeological area) with the aim of outlining the characteristics that distinguish the recently discovered Dhofar Coastal Culture. It also aims to understand the relationship between this culture and the South Arabians who lived in Sumhuram.
The HELFA programme, on the other hand, aims to archaeologically investigate the South Arabian outpost of Andhur and its surroundings, with the aim of understanding what relations there were with the local populations of the area and if there were direct relations with the city of Sumhuram.